Undo Import

Undo Import

All imports in WeOS can be undone. Items in an import have two states

  1. Pending

  2. Completed

Pending Imports

Pending imports have items that have not been synced to the destination. In this state there is an option to “cancel” the import



When the import is canceled, all changes related to the import are reversed in WeOS

This also works for imports that were partially imported because of an error

Completed Imports

Completed imports can be reversed as well. The option to reverse a completed order is “Undo”


The items are first removed from the destination and on successful completion they are removed from WeOS as well

Undo Errors

Errors can occur during the undo process (e.g. the destination service is unreachable). If this occurs the process is paused, and the import will remain in a pending, along with an error indicating why the undo did not work.


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Email: support@weos.cloud
Call: 646-450-1632


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Email: support@weos.cloud
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